Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Witch of Howling Creek Guest Blog

Hello! My name is Tenae and I write "The Witch of Howling Creek" blog. I'd like to thank Dana for asking me to be a guest blogger today with a post about simple methods of divination from the latest Samhain installment of my free e-book Witches' Compendium series. (You can read the Mabon and Samhain editions for free HERE!)

Samhain is one of the best times of the year for divination as the thin veil between worlds (whether considered literal, spiritual or metaphorical) allows easier access to the beyond. There are numerous common methods of divination such as tarot and crystal gazing but many witches feel ill-equipped to practice such methods as they tend to require a good deal of knowledge and study. Luckily, there are also some lovely methods of divination that are far simpler to pick up such as chartomancy and lycnomancy.

Chartomancy is divination by books. It is incredibly simple and, in fact, many people perform it without even realizing it, making it the very best form of magick – that which is instinctive! Simply think of a problem or question you need help with, choose a random book (preferably a novel or dictionary as other non-fiction can be too technical or specific), open to a random page, and run your finger over the page without looking until you feel you are in the right place. Then read the line or paragraph you have chosen and consider what it could mean in terms of your situation or question. You may want to do this three times in one book in order to get a couple of angles.
For example, in the book The Coral Thief one might open to the words “I had forgotten”, a photograph of two pirate ships (photos are also excellent divining tools) and a paragraph about a woman respected and known by those around her, from the well-to-do to the prostitutes. From this one might gather that they will experience adventure and travel, that they will be respected but that it may take hardship to get there and that there may either be things they will wish to forget or that they have already forgotten something they need to remember. As you can see, this is a very personal way to divine the future that is entirely open to interpretation and can be done whenever you feel the need.

Another easy, interesting form of divination is lychnomancy, divination by candles. Light a plain white candle in a darkened room, away from any sources of air or wind, such as a window or fan. Study the flame while thinking about your problem or question. The following (among other signs) will lead the way:
  • If the end of the wick displays a brightly shining point it is a lucky omen.
  • If the flame moves from side to side it indicates that you will soon travel.
  • If there are sparks rising from the candle you will need to be cautious.
  • If the flame seems to twist and spiral it means that your enemies are plotting against you.
  • If a flames rises and falls it suggests there is approaching danger.
  • If the candle is extinguished suddenly and without good reason it is a prediction of disaster.
Perform these wonderful methods at your Halloween party or for serious divination of the future!

1 comment:

  1. A quick and eversograteful thank you as I run to find a plain white candle to light in a darkened room!
